50 anniversary

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e-mail: sales@psmmarine.com

New Dedicated Vessel Trim, Heel and Draught Monitoring System from PSM 

In response to detailed enquiries, we have launched a specific development of our Type Approved Connect Monitoring System which provides a dedicated Display of Vessel Trim and Heel, and as an option, Vessel Draught.

Intended as a simple to operate stand-alone package, the system comprises of two elements: a small enclosure fitted with solid state inclinometers to measure the vessels inclination, and a small console or wall mount touchscreen colour display.

Only a single 24V DC supply to the display is needed and a single cable interconnects both elements, meaning both can be positioned optimally for measurement of the vessel’s inclination and display at a convenient location. Repeater displays can be readily added, again only requiring a single cable connection.

The display provides a clear indication of both instantaneous and averaged Trim & Heel where the averaging period may be adjusted by the user, and, where PSM level transmitters are also installed, will show fore, aft, and midships draught.

The system has inbuilt corrections to remove any offsets caused by the location of the inclinometers and draught sensors, meaning true Trim & Heel in addition to draught at the marks is shown.

Another new feature is the switchable dark mode display for night operation, and although intended as a stand-alone system, also features an RS485 output which can feed current status to other systems via industry standard Modbus protocol.

The new system has already proved a great success with eight systems installed on Capesize Cargo Vessels from the Seanergy fleet.



PSM Supplies Advanced Tank Gauging Systems for Macduff Newbuild Projects

PSM is proud to have been selected as a supplier for Macduff Shipbuilders, part of the well-established Macduff Group, to provide advanced tank gauging systems for three of their newbuild projects in 2024, and we are delighted to start 2025 ...

Meet PSM at Expomaritt 2025 – Discover Our Tank Gauging Solutions

PSM are looking forward to attending Expomaritt, taking place from February 18-21, alongside our Turkish agents, DOP. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore PSM’s advanced Tank Gauging Solutions, showcased alongside a wide range of marine industry products supported by ...

Celebrating 50 Years: The Journey of PSM Instrumentation Ltd

The Beginning Founded in 1975, PSM Instrumentation Ltd began its journey under the name Pressure Sensors (Electronics) Ltd in Axminster, Devon. The company was established to complement an existing enterprise, Pressure Sensors Ltd, renowned for designing highly accurate pressure-sensitive capsules ...